Injee’s success has been swift, thanks to rock solid programming language Clojure we were was able to achieve it. Though Injee has got success upon success, we know that this could bring complacency and failure as we are drowned in the dope of success. Though there are features that need to be implemented Injee, we are announcing a feature freeze till February 2025. During this time we will be looking at Injee’s code, reviewing it, perfecting it, and testing it, improving the documentation..

This will ensure Injee’s code is agile and is able to respond to changes as and when necessary. Injee is created by Clojure learners, and not experts, we have used ring which is new to us. We need to upgrade our knowledge in those domains too and implement our learnings in Injee.

What we wish to achieve is to have a rock solid codebase for Injee, with which we can develop new features. We hope Injee brings happiness to your life.